We love working hard in P1/P2 and having lots of fun playing together. Our teacher is Mrs Elliott and Jean & Rachel are our classroom assistants.
During Term 1 we will be studying:
- Look for and talk about patterns in the environment
- Understand one-to-one correspondence
e.g. matching one cup to one saucer
- Sorting a variety of coins
- Making and counting sets
- Reading, counting, writing and exploring numbers within five
- Understand and use the language associated with length
- Understand and use the language associated with time
Handling Data
- Sort collections of materials and talk about how they have been sorted
Shape and Space
- Talk about shapes in their environment
- Copy simple patterns
Mental Maths
- Learning to count through number rhymes, songs and stories
Talking & Listening
- Learning to listen
- Taking turns to speak
- Asking and answering questions
- Reciting nursery rhymes
Reading (At appropriately differentiated levels)
- Enjoying and talking about stories
- Know that print carries meaning and is read from left to right and top to bottom
- Naming the parts of a book
e.g. front, back, spine
Writing (At appropriately differentiated levels)
- Find and recognise their name
- Holding their pencil correctly
- Controlling their pencil along different shapes and lines
- Correct use of scissors
- Tracing/writing their name
- Learning the skills of blending, segmenting and phoneme manipulation using sounds ‘a,i,m,s,t,n,o,p,b,c,g,h,d,e,f’
25th Oct 2024
P7 absolutely LOVE spending time with their buddies in P1 and P2. We were...
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Straidbilly Primary School, 85 Carnbore Rd, Liscolman, Ballymoney BT53 8EE | Phone: 028 2074 1520