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Straidbilly Primary School, Liscolman, Ballymoney
No After School Clubs week beginning 21st October due to Parent Interviews
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About Straidbilly


Straidbilly Primary School serves a wide local area in the north of Co Antrim, between Ballymoney and Bushmills. Many parents bring their children to school by car but there is also a bus provided by the EA which can pick them up at their own home and return them there in the afternoon.

Our facilities include:

5 classrooms ( 2 of which are part of our new extension!)
Dining Hall and new PE hall
AR Library
Resource area
School Kitchen

Outside, pupils have access to:

Large playground
Large playing field
School Garden

School Trips:

Beyond the school gates, we explore learning opportunities on a regular basis. Educational visits include trips to Belfast Zoo, Ulster American Folk Park, Armagh Planetarium, Rathlin Island, Carrickfergus Castle, Ballycastle Beach and Watertop Farm.

The opportunity is open to Keystage 2 pupils to participate in a residential trip in the summer term.

These always prove to be popular and rewarding trips, especially in terms of personal development.

Inspection Report

In November 2010 we were inspected by the Education and Training Inspectorate and we were delighted to achieve the highest accolade of ‘Outstanding’.

Key findings were:

  • The quality of the children’s achievements and standards is outstanding.
  • The provision for learning is very good.
  • The quality of leadership and management is outstanding.
  • In the areas inspected, the quality of education provided by this school is outstanding; the quality of pastoral care is also outstanding.

Please take time and read the full Inspection Report from the ETI website